2 Month Old Crue
"Baby Cwoo" is 2 months old today! This boy can smile for miles! He is such a sweet thing, happy as long as he's fed and slept. And just like my others, he refuses to take a bottle (Grandma tried on Sunday while we went to the Ogden Temple Dedication). That's OK because I can't stand to leave him out of my sights for very long anyway. His smiles are the best! He sleeps 9-10 hours a night. Yep, I am the luckiest mom in the world! He's been doing it for the last 2 weeks. He's pretty much been sleeping 8 hours since he was 3 weeks old. I swear, these sweet babies come out with their own plan of doing things. I did Babywise with my first 3, and it only worked on the first 2. So, I nursed Travis to sleep and he liked that, but didn't sleep through the night until June (yes, 4 months ago) no matter what I tried. One day he just decided to do it. With Crue, I mostly nurse him right before sleep and he will willingly go to sleep, as long as it's in his bed that have fleecy soft sheets. You think you have it down with one baby and the next throws you a curve ball. But, I will gladly take them as they come!
He loves going for rides in the stroller to drop and pickup Tilly from school!
He's pretty much bananas over me! ;-) And he makes the cutest baby talk ever!
His new favorite thing is swinging at the toys on his play mat.
Rarely will you find him like this. Man, is his cry so sad!
At his checkup today, he was 23.5 in long and 11.5 lbs! Shots were no fun and neither was the oral vaccine which made him puke everywhere.
We are so grateful Heavenly Father gave him to our family to care for and love!