
At first sight, you see a couple cute babes.
But when you turn your back to use the bathroom, they become the fearsome 3!
Fighting crime one teardrop at a time!
 See how happy he made daddy, making sure no one stole his slice of pizza at the Birthday party!
 My hero!
 Who would want to mess with these faces?
Not I!
 Secret Power: Flower Power
Secret Power: Star Power
 The fiercest one of all!
Secret Power: Shower Power
(He will shower you with tears until you want to change your evil ways)
Superheros save the day!


Mimi Collett said…
Too cute! :) We love to play dress up around here. Jill begs for a pink cape, but I've never run across one. Some day I might remember to actually try to find one.

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