Happy 1st Birthday, Maddox

Today, you were born 1 year ago at 8:59 am. You weighed 5 lbs 6 oz. You were tiny and very sick. I only got to hold you for 3 minutes after waiting 6 hours from the time you were born. Then, they took you to another hospital to get better. There, you were hooked to machines that breathed for you, with wires, tubes, and lines attached all over your little body. I had to wait 3 days to see you. You were well worth the wait!
A few hours old
5 days old
1 year old
Maddox, you are now a healthy, active 20 lb boy! You always have the best smiles! You are sweet and cuddly! You love your big sister because she makes you laugh hysterically! You are her "Buddy!" You love cars and sticking everything in your mouth! You are a scooter and, now, a crawler! You definitely get around! And last, but not least, you are soooooooooooo handsome! The ladies go googly for your little curls! You are awesome in every way, just like your sister!
Happy Birthday, Mad Man!


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