3 Weeks Old
Griffin is 3 weeks old! At his 2 week appointment he weighed 8 lbs 3 oz (an increase of 1 lb from birth). He is growing and staying awake longer. He loves to watch and listen to all the happenings in the household. There is a lot to look at with everyone running around! Last weekend, he went on a date with Aaron and I to his work Christmas party at the Grand America. Lots of ladies held him, oogling over how "amazing" and "perfect" he was. He slept the whole time and was a perfect angel. This week, we ventured out to some stores and to the aquarium. Let me tell you: having 6 little kids doesn't leave a lot of room for food in the cart! The last grocery trip, I needed one cart for kids and one for food! Crue went into primary for singing time this week and got to go up as Joseph! He is also a little obsessed with having a ponytail in his hair! And Rex went to nursery, so church isn't too crazy! We have the best kids ever! Griffin is such a wonderful little boy, and just goes with the flow. He fits in perfectly. He makes our family complete. We adore him.