Crue Marvin Poulton

On July 23 at 8:49am (6 days late), we welcomed our 4th child, Crue Marvin Poulton. He was 7lbs 9oz and 21 inches long!
 Ready to pop!
 I had another successful VBAC2 (vaginal birth after 2 cesareans)! It was a smooth labor and quick delivery. I woke about every hour after midnight, decided to get up at 3:30 am and see how close my contractions were. I sat in the bath for a little while at 5 am. Then, I woke up Aaron at 6 am and said I was ready to go to the hospital! We arrived at 6:30, the nurse checked me and I was dilated 7-8cm. Yay! We went to the labor room, hooked me up to the monitors, put a hep lock in my arm, and had not so pleasant contractions for the next 2 hours. I was pretty exhausted from having no sleep/being in labor, so between my last few contractions I just laid on the bed. Then, I had a big contraction, felt the urge to go to the bathroom. Aaron helped me to the bathroom and I had to push and something was coming out. I couldn't stop pushing and yelled to Aaron to go get the nurses! "He's coming now!" I said. I braced myself against the sink while he was gone. He and 3 nurses came back and saw the amniotic sac coming out (my water hadn't broken yet). They pretty much drag me to the bed since it was hard to walk. I get on the bed, they popped my water and out comes Crue! My doctor was 2 flights downstairs and since all of this happened in about 1.5 minutes, he just barely missed the birth. Crue was delivered by 3 great quick-acting nurses! Man, was I glad it happened sooooo fast!
 Our handsome goopy little guy!
 He has "The Lip" just like the other 3!
 The best big sister ever and her baby!
 The 3 Amigos!
 Our first "family of 6" photo
3 generations, Crue was named after his Grandpa Marvin. We love our Grandpa!
 Crue and his Grandmas
 Dr. Wall, he was a great doctor for my VBAC2.

I loved having one on one time with "Baby Cwoo," as Travis pronounces.
 Checking out
Loving his new car seat already!
We are sooooooo thankful that his birth was safe and he came out healthy and happy! Heavenly Father has blessed us greatly!


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