Happy Halloween, Stinky Face

We had a great Halloween this year. We started it off by heading to the ward Fall Festival at the church. We had a figure skater (along with Kamryn S. and Emily A.), Kylo Ren, Ironman, Yoda, and Wicket the Ewok. We headed to In-N-Out after since mom didn't realize there wouldn't be a chili cook-off like every year. 

For the day of Halloween, we had a little homeschool party with games, coloring, stories and lunch. For the party, the kids were Elena of Avalor, Army ninja hunter, Darth Vader, Jake the pirate, and a clown. Then, we were off to trick or treat at Dad's work. The kids made out like bandits! So much candy! For trick or treating in the neighborhood, we had a figure skater,  a zombie, 2 Redskins football playersn and the Ewok, with Dad dressed like a young Gandalf. Tilly skated around with her friends and Travis going house to house. Mom took the 2 little boys around, then passed out candy. And Dad was scouring the neighborhood looking for the zombie who took off without a word to his parents! It was a fun night with lots and lots of sugar! After the kids were in bed, Dad and Mom enjoyed a little Child's Play with Chucky! Muaahahaha!


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