I want a hippopotamus for Christmas...

To start off Christmas, we had a little homeschool Christmas party with some friends, new and old! We decorated cupcakes, played charades, Pin the Nose on Rudolph and Don't Eat the Reindeer! 

It was Rex's first Christmas! For Christmas Eve, we went to Aaron's sister's house for dinner and our little yearly nativity. Before we headed home, we opened Christmas jammies. Aunt Tarina gifted us the 12 days of Christmas. The kids enjoyed opening a different gift every day before Christmas. We also tried to Light the World, trying to be like Jesus. We didn't do very good, but the days we did, we donated food to the food bank, and went through updating our emergency backpacks. It was a nice reminder to teach out of the scriptures about Jesus throughout the month.

On Christmas day, we peeked at our stockings, ate our favorite breakfast cereal and headed to church. After, we opened gifts one by one. After relaxing and enjoying our morning, we headed to Grandpa and Grandma Poulton's for dinner with the family.

We took some Christmas family photos that turned out pretty good! Not bad family picture for a camera set on our dresser with a timer in our bedroom!

A few other highlights from our vacation....Rex can sit! Not super steady, but he's pretty good!
Rex is getting big and he got his bottom teeth in. I think his top 2 are coming soon too! He loves jumping and getting his legs a workout, while he grabs bags and boxes of food off the shelves in the pantry.

Travis and I got to play together with the new Xmas legos while everyone else was away or asleep. I love this sweet curly haired boy! He has the best facial expressions and sayings! "I wish it was summer, so I could be outside all day with my shirt off!" Me too, bud. Me too! j/k. We were able to use Thanksgiving pass a bunch too!On New Years Eve, we went swimming with the Smiths at the Provo Rec Center. It was Rex's first time in the pool and he enjoyed splashing around. That night, we celebrated at home with Grandpa and Grandma Poulton, and later Alicia and her boyfriend, Travis. This kid, Crue, loves his "sips!" He is a soda addict already. Yikes! We are two of the most blessed people. We have a great family, great friends, a warm and cozy home, cars that function, and good job. God is good.


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