October Highlights

 A fun mommy-daughter date to Zupas for lunch and Trafalga for fun! She legitimately beat me up the rock wall there! She is quick and I'm not as quick as I used to be! Rock climbing is hard work! It was so nice to have some much needed girl time with My Girl!
 General Conference
 Movie and popcorn night
 Soaking up the nice Fall weather!
 Practicing tricks on the tramp!
 Running after the big kids, he practically is one anyway!
 American Fork Canyon for hot dogs and smores with some family!
And, of course, fishing! All they caught was the bank on the other side of the river and Aaron had to rescue the pole!
One other big thing that happened: Maddox can ride a 2-wheeler! He decided one day to try after his friends were riding their bikes. Tilly comes running home while I'm cleaning up dinner and says, "maddox is riding a bike with no training wheels!!!!!!!" Are you serious???? So, I go and there he was riding a bike with no training wheels! He is one funny kid! He cannot be forced to do anything! When he makes up his mind to do something, he does and he is a great! I am so proud of him!


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