2 weeks in Utah

 We came back from CA, hung out in Utah, and went back to CA 2 weeks later! This is what we did for the 2 weeks in Utah:
 Toddler racing
 Toddler wresling
 Cute smiles
 Cute cries when it's not your turn on the phone with Dad.
 Brotherly love
More brotherly love
 Working out by carrying babies back and forth
 Trying to become hygienic
 Thankgiving Point with friends
 Pony rides
Riding on Mom
 Kissy face
 Cutey face
 Suck face
 Water table
 Splash Park
King of the Hill
 Mad and Mom sprinting through the fountains, soaking wet
 My babes
 "Warm chocolate milk"
 Getting pretty to play in the sprinklers
 Doggy piling
And going up American Fork Canyon to catch fish and eat some 'mallows!


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