Ride on the Alpine Loop

After General Conference on Sunday afternoon, we decided to take a ride on the Alpine Loop. It connects American Fork Canyon to Provo Canyon. The trees were beautiful and colorful. The second snow of the season can be seen on top of Mount Timpanogos.
I was a little bit ill from the winding roads. But thankfully, I kept my breakfast in my tummy!
Aaron has a strong stomach.
The trees were so yellow, orange and red!!!


Rudy said…
OHHHHHH so envious!! This is my favorite season and aspect of Utah. I miss this like crazy. I was hoping to see your BELLY in some pics. Are you getting GYNORMIS? Sorry, I won't be able to make it up for your baby shower. That weekend is our anniversary. I so wish I could be there! We love you lots!
The Skoobs said…
Thanks guys for letting us stay at your house...Max and I had a great time and the next time we'll see ya your hands will be FULL!!! GOod luck with everything!!!!!!!!!!

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